Stop Reabsorb Charcoal



SKU: SUP-StopReabsorbCharcoal

Product Description

Product Description

StopReabsorb – Activated Charcoal

Ultimate Support for Bowel Detoxification

520mg, 60 veg­etable cap­sules Acti­vat­ed char­coal is a nat­ur­al, insol­u­ble black fiber that is able to absorb tox­ic sub­stances from the diges­tive tract that can lead to putri­fi­ca­tion, gas and excess fla­tus and can accel­er­ate aging. Since Acti­vat­ed Char­coal is not absorbed into the body from the gut, it blocks cap­tured tox­ins from being reab­sorbed from the colon as it car­ries them out of the body in the feces.

The Broadest Benefits

From the ear­li­est times, acti­vat­ed char­coal was used by mankind for its broad med­i­c­i­nal ben­e­fits.  While cur­rent­ly it is used main­ly for indi­ges­tion, its time to re-dis­cov­er the amaz­ing­ly wide appli­ca­tions from mos­qui­to bites (mix char­coal pow­der with water to cov­er the bites) to sun­burn; from con­trol­ling flat­u­lence and stom­ach gas to heart­burn; from gin­givi­tis to infect­ed wounds; from aller­gic food reac­tion to snake-bites; spi­der bites to poi­son ivy; from apply­ing to non-heal­ing wounds to clean­ing and whiten­ing the teeth, even from the yel­low col­or after smok­ing; from air­sick­ness to nau­sea (includ­ing morn­ing sick­ness); from can­cer to anti-aging and longevi­ty (rats’ life-span was increased by an extra 40 per­cent with dai­ly char­coal use!!!); or to sup­port detox­i­fi­ca­tion; or as an aid when fight­ing a bac­te­r­i­al or viral infec­tion.
Mis­sion­ar­ies use char­coal to treat tetanus, typhoid, cholera, diph­te­ria, hepati­tis, pink­eye, dia­bet­ic ulcers, Can­di­da, dysen­tery, gan­grene and oth­er ills due to its strong anti-inflam­ma­to­ry effects. Char­coal is an amaz­ing, low-cost alter­na­tive to many oth­er modal­i­ties. Keep a bot­tle or two in your car, in the purse or in the car­ry on bag when you travel.

Body Cleanse, Colon Cleanse & Detox

Acti­vat­ed Char­coal is com­plete­ly SAFE and can be used dur­ing preg­nan­cy and breast­feed­ing. The body does not digest char­coal and there­fore it is not assim­i­lat­ed into the blood­stream. The char­coal sim­ply pass­es through the GI (gas­troin­testi­nal) tract pick­ing up tox­ins and gen­er­al­ly cleans­ing and detox­i­fy­ing the body. Body wastes in the blood are also adsorbed from the tiny blood ves­sels in the GI tract into the char­coal in the lumen of the gut and are elim­i­nat­ed togeth­er. Char­coal is also a colon cleanser as it blocks the reab­sorp­tion of tox­ins from the colon.

Indigestion & Heartburn

While acti­vat­ed char­coal can be used for relief of indi­ges­tion, heart­burn, stom­ach gas, and flat­u­lence, they are also a very effec­tive rem­e­dy for sore teeth and gums. For an abscessed tooth many have found relief from pain by keep­ing acti­vat­ed char­coal between the offend­ing tooth and the cheek. For a sore throat, for gin­givi­tis, many sim­ply swal­low slow­ly a char­coal slur­ry (char­coal pow­der mixed with water) and are amazed at its sooth­ing cleans­ing effect.

Activated Charcoal Pills for Bad Breath and Stained Teeth

Oth­ers have dis­cov­ered what was a com­mon prac­tice in cen­turies past – char­coal is a bright­en­ing den­ti­frice. Sim­ply moist­en your tooth­brush, put some char­coal from an opened cap­sule on the tooth­brush and gen­tly brush your teeth with the wet char­coal as you would with tooth­paste. Rinse your mouth well when done. Char­coal will remove tobac­co and oth­er tough stains with time, and it leaves the mouth tast­ing and smelling fresh­er and clean­er. As for bad breath (hal­i­to­sis), just open a char­coal cap­sule and keep the char­coal in your mouth for a few minutes.

Poison Antidote

Our Acti­vat­ed Char­coal Tablets is sim­i­lar to the char­coal that is used in hos­pi­tals around the world for acci­den­tal poi­son­ing, food poi­son­ing, and drug over­dose. If doc­tors and hos­pi­tals around the world use it every day, if the Poi­son Con­trol Cen­ters rec­om­mend it, then don’t you think it is time to fol­low their advice and have some in your med­i­cine cab­i­net – just in case? In case of a poi­son­ing, the ear­li­er you take it (and the more you take) the bet­ter is the poi­son-pro­tec­tive effect.  Don’t wait until you reach the hospital’s emergency!

Transit Time

Yes, char­coal will turn your stools black. Not to wor­ry. Some peo­ple use char­coal to check their tran­sit time – the length of time between eat­ing a meal and when the waste is elim­i­nat­ed from the body (the last you see of any black stool). Peo­ple who eat suf­fi­cient fiber in their diet, keep well hydrat­ed, and get some form of exer­cise every day often report a tran­sit time of less than 36 hours, although 36–48 hrs. is more the norm.
Acti­vat­ed char­coal does not dis­crim­i­nate among poi­sons so remem­ber, if tak­en too close to med­ica­tions, char­coal most like­ly will absorb the drug poi­sons (every drug is for­eign to the body and treat­ed by the body as a poi­son) to a greater or less­er degree. Unless one is tak­ing acti­vat­ed char­coal to dimin­ish the effects of drug poi­sons (ie. over­dose or cleansing/detox pro­grams) give your­self a 1–2 char­coal-free hour around your time of medication.


  • Weight: 0.25 lb
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 2 in
  • Height: 6 in

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