EMPowerplus Micronutrients (Out of Stock)



SKU: SUP-EMPowerPlus

Product Description

Product Description

EMPowerplus Methylated Advanced™

The most studied micronutrient

EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is the orig­i­nal and unique for­mu­la­tion of 36 nutri­ents, only dif­fer­ing in using the methy­lat­ed forms of two vit­a­mins, B12 and folate. This for­mu­la was cre­at­ed for those whose bod­ies can­not methy­late B vit­a­mins as most can. Indi­vid­u­als that suf­fer with the rare MTHFR gene expres­sion will ben­e­fit most from this product.

How it works?

Unlike pop­u­lar mul­ti-vit­a­min sup­ple­ments, EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is for­mu­lat­ed using a unique process called Apex Biosyn­the­sis Con­ver­sion Tech­nol­o­gy™. The results pro­vide the body with much high­er lev­els of the key nutri­ents you need to func­tion at your best and pro­vides EMPow­er­plus™ at its high­est potency.

In fact, EMPow­er­plus™ con­sists of 36 clin­i­cal­ly proven min­er­als, vit­a­mins, amino acids, and antiox­i­dants. When com­bined and refined, the for­mu­la­tion becomes EMPow­er­plus™, the most pow­er­ful dai­ly sup­ple­ment in the world.

It was once thought that the brain was sta­t­ic, unable to grow or change. But exten­sive research and in depth study of epi­ge­net­ics has shown that it’s remark­ably adapt­able, able to cre­ate new neur­al path­ways in response to stim­u­lus in the envi­ron­ment. Addi­tion­al­ly, it is now under­stood that the dif­fi­cul­ties asso­ci­at­ed with a wide range of learn­ing dis­or­ders and neu­robe­hav­ioral issues result pri­mar­i­ly from envi­ron­men­tal influ­ences that affect genet­ic expres­sion and are;therefore, often cor­rectable using micronutrients.

EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is quick­ly gain­ing trac­tion as a world-renowned micronu­tri­ent for­mu­la proven effec­tive in reduc­ing or elim­i­nat­ing the symp­toms of Depres­sion, Depres­sion relat­ed dis­or­ders and some forms of OCD, but please speak to one of our Sup­port Staff before pur­chas­ing this prod­uct for OCD. Stud­ies also sug­gest EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ can improve brain-cell health and cog­ni­tive functioning.


While EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is made up of all-nat­ur­al, clin­i­cal­ly proven ingre­di­ents it is impor­tant to con­sid­er that is should not be tak­en with any psy­chotrop­ic med­ica­tions or any addic­tive med­ica­tions with­out first con­sult­ing with MicroNu­tri­ent Support.

The unique tech­nol­o­gy used in the micronu­tri­ent for­mu­la­tion of EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is called Apex Biosyn­the­sis Con­ver­sion Tech­nol­o­gy™. This allows the body to safe­ly and rapid­ly absorb and use each of the 36 EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ essen­tial ele­ments for opti­mum phys­i­cal and men­tal health.

EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is a safe, effec­tive, all-nat­ur­al for­mu­la for com­mon mood dis­or­ders. The major­i­ty of vit­a­min and min­er­al sup­ple­ments found in super­mar­kets and health food stores can­not be eas­i­ly digest­ed due to the size of the par­ti­cles and the improp­er ratios of cer­tain min­er­als that depend on each oth­er for full absorp­tion. Many sup­ple­ments also con­tain infe­ri­or chelates and low qual­i­ty ingredients.

The unique for­mu­la and the advanced tech­nol­o­gy used to pro­duce EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ address these com­mon prob­lems, mak­ing EMPow­er­plus Advanced™ the high­est qual­i­ty micronu­tri­ent for­mu­la­tion avail­able on the mar­ket today.


Using cut­ting edge tech­nol­o­gy, min­er­als are pul­ver­ized to a size the body can use. While most sup­ple­ments are pro­duced in 4 hours, the EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ microniza­tion process takes up to 4 days.


Min­er­als are dif­fi­cult for the body to digest in pure form. To over­come this, EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ min­er­als go through a rig­or­ous process that wraps them in organ­ic mol­e­cules and binds them to pro­teins the body can eas­i­ly rec­og­nize and digest.


Vit­a­mins and min­er­als depend on each oth­er for absorp­tion in the body. For exam­ple, you need the right amount of zinc to absorb mag­ne­sium ful­ly. Sim­i­lar­ly, with­out vit­a­min D in bal­ance, cal­ci­um can­not be read­i­ly absorbed. The micronu­tri­ents in EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ have been delib­er­ate­ly pro­por­tioned and bal­anced for max­i­mum absorp­tion and effectiveness.


The aver­age ther­a­peu­tic dose of EMPow­er­plus Methy­lat­ed Advanced™ is 4 cap­sules per day and pro­vides a full spec­trum of micronu­tri­ents in high enough dos­es to suf­fi­cient­ly address defi­cien­cies and pro­mote prop­er meta­bol­ic functioning.


  • Weight: 0.5 lb
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 2 in
  • Height: 6 in

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