Stem Detox (3 in Stock)



SKU: SUP-StemDetox

Product Description

Product Description

StemDetox™ Methylated Advanced – 8th generation, with 50+ ingredients, 150 capsules

(without Iron, Iodine or Copper)

A pro­fes­sion­al strength, advanced detox­i­fi­ca­tion, antiox­i­dant, anti-biofilm, nat­ur­al anti-bac­te­r­i­al, antivi­ral, anti-fun­gal prod­uct, plus sup­ports the gut, the lymph sys­tem, and longevi­ty and excel­lent in sup­port­ing fast­ing and keto­genic diet.

Save over $300 com­pared to buy­ing the ingre­di­ents alone or in small groups.

The painstak­ing­ly bal­anced ingre­di­ents might be com­pared to a world-class orches­tra where all of the ‘musi­cal instru­ments’ express the high­est lev­el of art, rarely encoun­tered in music or in superb well­ness.
In fact, StemDetox stands alone. Like the tallest tree on Earth.
There is no oth­er prod­uct like StemDetox. None.

StemDetox™ favored in:

  • immune boost­ing;
  • rais­ing glu­tathione levels;
  • anti-biofilm;
  • excel­lent com­pan­ion in keto­genic diet;
  • overnight detox­i­fi­ca­tion is extend­ed in inter­mit­tent fast­ing or reg­u­lar fast­ing – StemDetox sup­ports with bal­ance (sup­port­ing lymph, liv­er, kid­neys, micro­cir­cu­la­tion, etc.) detox­i­fi­ca­tion and increased min­er­al needs in fasting;
  • leaky gut;
  • cold and flu (includ­ing swine-flu or bird-flu);
  • acne;
  • prostate enlarge­ment and prostate can­cer support;
  • breast cyst and breast cancer;
  • age-spots on the skin;
  • tired­ness;
  • par­a­sites;
  • Can­di­da;
  • infec­tions caused by ‘mul­ti-resis­tance’ bugs (togeth­er with EDTA con­tain­ing prod­ucts, such as EDTA line- 2.0, 1.0, 0.5 or ToxDetox as EDTA enhances antibac­te­r­i­al action);
  • tox­ic heavy met­al removal (less effec­tive than the EDTA line, but nice­ly sup­ports the removal of tox­ins, – based on small research study when 36 urine sam­ples were col­lect­ed and analyzed);
  • most impor­tant ‘nat­ur­al emer­gency prod­uct’ kept in the kitchen for uncer­tain times;
  • removal of scar tis­sues due to its high lev­el of ‘sys­temic enzyme’ Serrapeptase;
  • sup­port (and more) for diabetics;
  • replaces min­er­als in chela­tion programs;
  • real anti-aging when syn­er­gis­tic tox­ins and syn­er­gis­tic microbes are targeted;
  • and oth­ers…

The lat­est StemDetox sur­pass­es the pre­vi­ous ver­sions in qual­i­ty and effec­tive­ness with the added EDTA and vit­a­min C and more.

StemDetox is the first sup­ple­ment that was also devel­oped to detox­i­fy the bone mar­row.
Oth­er stem cell enhanc­ing prod­ucts ‘force’ the bone mar­row to release more stem cells, even if the bone mar­row is weak and loaded with toxins.

Our approach and phi­los­o­phy are different.

Let’s detox­i­fy the bone mar­row for the pro­duc­tion of more and health­i­er stem cells. Over time a health­i­er, detox­i­fied bone mar­row ensures the raised stem cell base­line num­bers in the blood. This is a nov­el con­cept and we’re still the only ones out there to pro­mote this life-chang­ing idea.

StemDetox is a one-of-a-kind prod­uct result­ing in huge sav­ings (over $300 saved) com­pared to buy­ing the ingre­di­ents indi­vid­u­al­ly or in small­er groups.

Proper detoxification slows down the rate of aging on a cellular level and lowers the risk for all diseases

StemDetox estab­lish­es a new cat­e­go­ry among the detox­i­fi­ca­tion / cleans­ing prod­ucts with its antibac­te­r­i­al, antivi­ral, anti-fun­gal, anti-par­a­sitic, cir­cu­la­to­ry sup­port and weight-loss prop­er­ties. StemDetox is inno­v­a­tive, safe and effec­tive and trans­forms detox­i­fi­ca­tion as we know it today.

StemDetox achieves full-body cel­lu­lar detox­i­fi­ca­tion and over­all cleans­ing by aid­ing the sev­en chan­nels of elim­i­na­tion: the liv­er, lungs, colon, kid­neys, blood, skin, and lym­phat­ic sys­tem. It also sup­ports the two phas­es of the liver’s com­plex detox­i­fi­ca­tion mech­a­nisms (Phase I and II).

High­ly tox­ic mer­cury and lead inhib­it the key white blood enzyme myeloper­ox­i­dase, an enzyme that pro­duces hypochlo­rite ion. Since this is the body’s main defense against Can­di­da yeast(1), it is dif­fi­cult to solve Can­di­da yeast prob­lems unless the tox­ic met­als are removed first. StemDetox not only elim­i­nates heavy met­als but also has the strongest nat­ur­al anti-fun­gal ingre­di­ents (gar­lic, caprylic acid, grape­fruit seed extract, oil of oregano, ser­rapep­tase). Most peo­ple want to low­er their tox­ic heavy met­al load for improved heart and cir­cu­la­to­ry ben­e­fits or to avoid bypass surgery. How­ev­er, a Swiss study showed the can­cer pre­ven­ta­tive effects by con­clud­ing that those who removed the tox­ic met­als achieved a 90% reduc­tion in can­cer mor­tal­i­ty over an 18 years peri­od(2).

StemDetox is the first detox­i­fi­ca­tion prod­uct that con­tains a sys­temic, pro­te­olyt­ic enzyme ingre­di­ent (Ser­rapep­tase). Sys­temic (pro­te­olyt­ic) enzymes can enhance detox­i­fi­ca­tion and reduce inflam­ma­tion and swelling, digest scar tis­sues, blood clots and cysts, improve vari­cose veins and arthri­tis, guard against fibro­sis and improve fibro­cys­tic breast dis­ease, mod­u­late the immune sys­tem, block the release of pain in inflamed tis­sues and even fight off virus­es or turn around Type 1 dia­betes(3). Enzymes also increase the effec­tive­ness of oth­er ingre­di­ents, allow­ing a low­er dose to have supe­ri­or results. This makes StemDetox high­ly effi­cient. Sys­temic enzymes also reduce the occa­sion­al­ly expe­ri­enced die-off (Herx­heimer reactions).

Even if a great detox­i­fi­ca­tion pro­to­col is fol­lowed, large amounts of fat-sol­u­ble tox­ins remain in the fat cells, unless weight-loss is con­cur­rent with detox­i­fi­ca­tion. Peo­ple often get sick when they lose weight because they flood their body with new­ly released tox­ins from with­in the body. StemDetox is the first and only prod­uct on the mar­ket that opens up fat cells while active­ly elim­i­nat­ing tox­ins from the body, result­ing in weight-loss.

StemDetox has many ben­e­fits for those who are on a keto­genic diet. In an effec­tive keto diet or keto­genic diet, less than 5% of calo­ries come from car­bo­hy­drates (includ­ing sug­ar), over 80% of calo­ries come from good fats (avo­ca­do, coconut oil, nuts and nut but­ter, olive oil, chia seeds and flex seed). I love eat­ing for a healthy lunch an avo­ca­do and a sliced apple with almond nut spread on the slices. Avoid trans fats always, found in mar­garine, store-bought cook­ies, crack­ers, cakes and frozen pizza.

StemDetox sup­ports the extra effort of the heart and cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem. Nat­u­ral­ly, full-body detox­i­fi­ca­tion requires the open­ing up of the cap­il­lar­ies (tiny blood ves­sels) for a pro­found, cel­lu­lar detox­i­fi­ca­tion. Oth­er­wise, areas of the body with poor cir­cu­la­tion couldn’t be detox­i­fied. StemDetox is the first detox­i­fi­ca­tion prod­uct that enhances microcirculation.

Anoth­er first: StemDetox’s brain pro­tec­tive ingre­di­ents have impor­tant syn­er­gis­tic effects to guard the brain against neu­ro­tox­ins that might be ele­vat­ed at any detoxification.

Detox­i­fi­ca­tion requires extra ener­gy, and StemDetox is the first detox­i­fi­ca­tion prod­uct that has ener­gy boost­ing ingre­di­ents to aid the mito­chon­dria, the ener­gy-pro­duc­ing cen­ters of cells.

Detox­i­fi­ca­tion is more effec­tive if dis­ease-caus­ing agents (bac­te­ria, virus­es, yeast, and par­a­sites) don’t bur­den the body. StemDetox con­tains antibac­te­r­i­al, antivi­ral, anti-fun­gal and anti-par­a­sitic ingre­di­ents. Since par­a­sites have the poten­tial to store large amounts of tox­ins, their elim­i­na­tion reduces the over­all tox­ic load.

It is a well-known fact that stom­ach ulcers are caused by a bac­teri­um called Heli­cobac­ter pylori. But it’s not wide­ly known that Chlamy­dia pneu­mo­ni­ae, has recent­ly been linked to heart dis­ease. Doc­tors are con­sis­tent­ly find­ing the same Chlamy­dia in arte­r­i­al plaque removed from coro­nary arter­ies(4).
Fur­ther­more, researchers found the same Chlamy­dia bac­teri­um in the autop­sied brains of sev­en­teen out of nine­teen Alzheimer’s patients(5).
Recent research ver­i­fied the link between hepati­tis B and C and liv­er can­cer, and stud­ies have con­firmed that her­pesvirus 8 is the cause of Kaposi’s sar­co­ma (anoth­er type of can­cer)(6).
More­over, pop­u­la­tion stud­ies point out the so far unex­plained sud­den spread of MS in regions where there were no pre­vi­ous cas­es(7).
Even the ‘incur­able’ Chron’s dis­ease is now asso­ci­at­ed with a yeast, Sac­cha­romyces cere­visi­ae(8).
Type 2 dia­betes responds strong­ly to the four anti-fun­gal approach­es: the removal of tox­ic heavy met­als; the reduc­tion (or elim­i­na­tion) of sug­ar (fun­gus strives on sug­ar); reduc­tion or elim­i­na­tion of wheat in the diet (there is extreme­ly tox­ic fun­gal afla­tox­in in wheat); and to anti-fun­gal prod­ucts(9), plus over­all caloric restric­tion and reg­u­lar exer­cise are para­mount for dia­bet­ics. Not much change can be expect­ed for stop­ping dia­betes with­out los­ing weight and exercising.

Through­out his­to­ry, more peo­ple have died of infec­tious dis­eases than from any oth­er cause. Accord­ing to the ‘New Germ The­o­ry’, the lead­ing cause of death world­wide con­tin­ues to be infec­tious dis­eases such as heart dis­ease, Alzheimer’s, her­pes, dia­betes and MS (although main­stream med­i­cine does not open­ly dis­cuss new med­ical dis­cov­er­ies(10). StemDetox is the first and only detox­i­fi­ca­tion / cleans­ing prod­uct that rec­og­nizes the key role infec­tious agents play in chron­ic diseases.

You Can Change Your Lifestyle

As you detox­i­fy, drink more fil­tered water than usu­al for bet­ter elim­i­na­tion of tox­ins. Eat healthy foods and eat more raw fruits and veg­eta­bles, prefer­ably organ­ic. Take your dai­ly mul­ti­vi­t­a­mins, mul­ti­min­er­als, omega 3 oils, and pro­bi­otics (or ‘organ­ic’ bio-yoghurt). The ben­e­fi­cial Lac­to­bacil­lus bac­teri­um is very impor­tant to replen­ish the bac­te­r­i­al flo­ra in the gut. Keep your blood sug­ar lev­el low by reduc­ing sug­ar and wheat in your diet. Eat less than what you desire since calo­rie restrict­ed diet is one of the best way to slow down aging. Avoid red meat and trans-fat. Keep your healthy weight. Don’t for­get the basics: your dai­ly exer­cise and 7–8 hours sleep. Detox­i­fi­ca­tion should be extend­ed into your whole life since body, men­tal and spir­i­tu­al health are inher­ent­ly linked. Detox­i­fy your visu­al input by watch­ing less TV and by avoid­ing vio­lent movies (which can depress your immune sys­tem). Reach out to oth­ers who are less for­tu­nate. Pick up a new hob­by that would enrich your life. Love more and for­give those who hurt you(11). Med­i­tate and say your dai­ly prayers. Be thank­ful for what you have. Go out to nature and mar­vel at the beau­ty of our world.


  • Weight: 0.5 lb
  • Width: 2 in
  • Depth: 2 in
  • Height: 6 in

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