Smart Selenium 1 oz bottle

$100.00 $97.00


SKU: SUP-SmartSelenium

Product Description

Product Description

SmartSelenium 1000 is 1000 times less toxic than the widely available “simple” Selenium.

Sele­ni­um is an essen­tial min­er­al that has mul­ti­ple functions.

  • reduces inflam­ma­tion
  • sup­ports the body’s abil­i­ty to fight virus­es espe­cial­ly, togeth­er with glutathione
  • sup­ports the immune sys­tem, fer­til­i­ty, and cog­ni­tive function
  • boosts thy­roid hor­mone production
  • impor­tant antioxidant

Smart­Se­le­ni­um 1000 is a unique mol­e­c­u­lar form of Sele­ni­um (biva­lent-neg­a­tive Sele­ni­um) incor­po­rat­ed in a mol­e­cule of fat­ty acid.

Dr. Revici’s research (who orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped this type of safe Sele­ni­um) data shows that this form of Sele­ni­um can be bioac­cu­mu­lat­ed in the body.

Why “Smart”?

The wide­ly avail­able (cheap) Sele­ni­um con­tains too much selen­ite (hexa­va­lent-pos­i­tive Sele­ni­um) with tox­ic effects on animals.

Human intake of com­mer­cial selen­ite is lim­it­ed to a dosage of only 100 to 150 micro­grams by mouth.

How long will a bottle last?

  • 5.5 years – if tak­en by the min­i­mum dai­ly adult dose of 1 drop per week
  • 9 months – 1 drop per day – 7x min­i­mum Dai­ly adult require­ment, Approx­i­mate­ly the NIH upper limit
  • 28 days – 10 drops per day. Often rec­om­mend­ed by health­care providers

Each drop of Smart­Se­le­ni­um 1000 con­tains approx­i­mate­ly as much Sele­ni­um as 5 brazil nuts.

SmartSelenium 1000 is 1000 times less toxic than the widely available “simple” Selenium.

Sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies indi­cate that Sele­ni­um may play an essen­tial role in:

Viral Threat*

Sele­ni­um, togeth­er with glu­tathione, strong­ly sup­ports the abil­i­ty of the body to fight viruses.

Based on African and Asian AIDS stud­ies, the lev­el of Sele­ni­um in the soil can have a marked effect on the immune sys­tem, and the abil­i­ty to fight viral infections.

The sele­ni­um lev­el is low around Wuhan, Chi­na, and this might have con­tributed to the sever­i­ty of COVID-19 in Wuhan.

Mercury Detox

Sele­ni­um is a nat­ur­al antag­o­nist to mercury.

The avail­abil­i­ty of Sele­ni­um enhances mer­cury (Hg) excre­tion. Low Sele­ni­um lev­els hin­der the excre­tion of mercury.

Sele­ni­um turns high­ly tox­ic mer­cury into non­tox­ic by the for­ma­tion of Hg–Se complexes.

Indi­vid­u­als with high Hg lev­els could ben­e­fit from high­er Sele­ni­um sup­ple­men­ta­tion both for the reduc­tion of mercury’s tox­ic effects and for the sup­port of mercury’s excre­tion from the body.

May reduce your risk of certain cancers

In addi­tion to decreas­ing oxida­tive stress, Sele­ni­um may help low­er the risk of cer­tain cancers.

This has been attrib­uted to Selenium’s abil­i­ty to reduce DNA dam­age and oxida­tive stress, boost your immune sys­tem, and destroy can­cer cells (8).

A review of 69 stud­ies that includ­ed over 350,000 peo­ple found that hav­ing a high blood lev­el of Sele­ni­um was asso­ci­at­ed with a low­er risk of cer­tain types of can­cer, includ­ing breast, lung, colon, and prostate can­cers (9).

One study found that oral Sele­ni­um sup­ple­ments improved over­all qual­i­ty of life and reduced radi­a­tion-induced diar­rhea in women with cer­vi­cal and uter­ine can­cer (10).

Thy­roid Health*

Take Sele­ni­um and iodine togeth­er for thy­roid health.

While iodine is essen­tial for the thy­roid to build T4 and T3 hor­mones, Sele­ni­um boosts thy­roid hor­mone production.


  • Weight: 0.1 lb
  • Width: 1.5 in
  • Depth: 1.5 in
  • Height: 3 in

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