LiveO3 Clean Air System



SKU: LO3-AirClean

Product Description

LiveO3 Clean Air System

LiveO3 is an ozone san­i­ta­tion sys­tem that con­nects to your exist­ing LiveO2 Stan­dard or Adap­tive Con­trast Sys­tem. This sys­tem is designed to san­i­tize the reser­voir sys­tem, mask, breather hose, exer­cise equip­ment, all objects with­in the train­ing space, and the air itself. 

LiveO3 is sup­plied by the rich oxy­gen sup­ply from your exist­ing LiveO2 air-sep­a­ra­tor. As oxy­gen pass­es through the LiveO3 con­vert­er part of it it becomes pure Ozone gas.  Ozone is an extreme­ly pow­er­ful oxi­dant that destroys virus and bac­te­ria on con­tact. This tech­nol­o­gy is wide­ly used in com­mer­cial set­tings for san­i­ti­za­tion in hos­pi­tals, meat process plants, and mold mit­i­ga­tion. Ozone gas is the most thor­ough way to san­i­tize a LiveO2 train­ing room between users. LiveO3 increas­es the clean­li­ness of any work­out space.

The Ozone gas pro­duced by the LiveO3 sys­tem can be bub­bled through a ves­sel of reg­u­lar tap water using the sup­plied air stone, this will cre­ate a clean­ing solu­tion that is as pow­er­ful as hydro­gen per­ox­ide and bleach. The beau­ty of the LiveO3 sys­tem is you will nev­er need to pur­chase dis­in­fec­tant clean­ing sup­plies and this clean­ing solu­tion can be used through­out your home as a non­tox­ic alter­na­tive to bleach.

What is in the box?

  • LiveO3 Cold coro­nal dis­charge generator. 

  • Mount­ing kit for the LiveO2 system.

  • Glass air stone to make ozone water. 

  • Instruc­tions


Commonly asked questions 


  • How long will it take to san­i­tize the typ­i­cal room?

  • How long after treat­ment will it take before the room can be reused.

  • Can ozone dam­age your lungs if breathed in? 

  • Can we cre­ate a cap for the breather hose to run Ozone through it for cleaning. 

  • What are all of the spec­i­fi­ca­tion ozone gen­er­a­tors cfm or mg/hr? 

  • Can you clean the inside of the reser­voir with LiveO3? 

  • What is the exact recipe with water vol­ume and time, to make effec­tive ozone water? 

  • How long after ozone water is made will the water last? 

  • What type of ves­sel can I use for the water met­al plastic? 

  • Can I soak the mask in the ozone water while it is running? 


How long to sanitize a room?

A 10 ft by 10 ft room will be san­i­tized with­in approx­i­mate­ly 30–60 min­utes. The san­i­ta­tion effect will occur on all sur­faces and on exer­cise equipment. 

How long after sanitation can the room be used?

After san­i­ta­tion a fan should be used to clear the ozone-rich air from the room. A 8x10x10 foot room has 800 cubic feet and will be flushed by a small fan in 5 minutes. 

LiveO2 fil­ters and stores oxy­gen in the reser­voir and rejects ozone, it is safe to start breath­ing oxy­gen while your fan is running. 

Can ozone damage your lungs?

Yes. Ozone will injure lungs if breathed for a long peri­od of time. Research papers use mice exposed to high con­cen­tra­tions of ozone for at least 3 hours and observe increas­es in mucus, neu­trophils, and oxida­tive stress markers.

The lungs are the only organ vul­ner­a­ble to injury by ozone. All ani­mals exposed to ozone recov­ered in 72 hours.

Is ozone harmful to other organs?

No. Ozone is non-tox­ic when inject­ed or by rec­tal insuf­fla­tion and has been used by injec­tion for many con­di­tions includ­ing SARS and many oth­er con­di­tions. Attempts to deter­mine the lethal dose of ozone by injec­tion have failed — yes that’s right it is impos­si­ble to kill an ani­mal by inject­ing too much ozone.

LiveO3 out­put IS NOT appro­pri­ate for med­ical injec­tion because it con­tains a small amount of nitro­gen. Med­ical injec­tion must use 99.99% pure oxy­gen because nitro­gen bub­bles in the blood is an embolism. Med­ical ozone made from pure oxy­gen is imme­di­ate­ly absorbed by red blood cells so it is safe to inject.

Is it possible to sterilize the breather hose with ozone?

Yes. This is easy:

  1. Set the Adap­tive Con­trast switch to ‑O2

  2. Insert the ozone out­put tube inside the breather tube

  3. Let it run for 10 minutes.

Cau­tion: Do not ster­il­ize the breather hose on the +O2 set­ting. This will enable ozone to accu­mu­late in the oxy­gen com­part­ment. See the next ques­tion… This is a good way to ster­il­ize the O2 com­part­ment but requires a purge of the com­part­ment by open­ing the zip­per to allow the ozone to escape before use.

In the ‑O2 set­ting low oxy­gen air will auto­mat­i­cal­ly flush the hose and the reser­voir com­part­ment to reduce ozone to a safe level.

Is it possible to use ozone to sterilize the oxygen compartment of the reservoir?

Yes. Steps:

  1. Open the zip­per and insert the ozone tube into the oxy­gen com­part­ment. Close the zip­per to hold the ozone tube captive.

  2. Let the ozone run in the com­part­ment for 30 min­utes. This high con­cen­tra­tion of ozone in this com­part­ment will ster­il­ize any pathogens.

  3. Open the zip­per and squeeze all gas out of the reser­voir. Let the zip­per remain open overnight.

  4. Use nor­mal­ly after 12 hours.

What is the best way to make ozone water?

Put the bub­bler stone in a buck­et of water and let it bub­ble for an hour. This will cre­ate a dis­in­fec­tant solution. 

The ozone water is usable for approx­i­mate­ly 30 min­utes. Most food safe plas­tics and met­al con­tain­ers make suit­able containers. 

Com­mon Uses:

  • Spray on any surface

  • Use for washing

  • Mouth­wash

  • Drink use for enema

Can I soak the mask in the ozone water?

  • The Mask Body — yes

  • Sil­i­cone Head­gear — yes

  • The neo­prene head­gear — NO. Ozone destroys neo­prene and most forms of elas­tic in min­utes. We offer sil­i­cone head­gear for appli­ca­tions where ozone is present or where san­i­ta­tion with ozone is necessary.

How does ozone sterilize surfaces?

The Ozone is a strong oxi­diz­ing agent which cre­ates oxida­tive stress on microbes. 

The stress reduces the half life, or the length of time it takes for ½ of the microbes to die off.

Some microbes are more rugged than oth­ers. Here are some sur­vival times for now-com­mon virus­es on com­mon non-porous surfaces. 


Infec­tious Non-porous Surface



24 hours


Influen­za H1N1

10 Hours


72 hours



So the actu­al time to san­i­tize depends on the con­cen­tra­tion of ozone and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of pathogens to atmos­pher­ic oxidation. 

Ozone has been proven to kill Covid-19. This arti­cle doc­u­ments the use of ozone at 10 ppm to inac­ti­vate viruses. 

How does ozone work in the air?

Ozone in the air is nat­ur­al. It is cre­at­ed when ultra­vi­o­let light from the sun reacts with oxy­gen. This ambi­ent ozone helps to nat­u­ral­ly ster­il­ize and clean the air. Rooms with ozone from nat­ur­al sun­light smell clean.  This is why sun­lit rooms smell nicer than dark closets. 

Too much ozone smells caus­tic or elec­tric, while ozone mixed with nitro­gen smog smells foul. Com­mer­cial ozone gen­er­a­tors use ambi­ent air, and cre­ate a mix­ture of ozone and nitro­gen smog . 

When ozone, a very strong oxi­diz­er, comes into con­tact with a virus par­ti­cle, it scorch­es the viral cap­sid, or shell. This dam­ages the virus so that it is no longer able to infect.

Sur­plus ozone in the air reduces the half life of sus­pend­ed viral par­ti­cles. Covid-19 is much more durable than oth­er virus­es appar­ent­ly able to sur­vive at least 3x longer than oth­er virus­es in low humid­i­ty environments.

Ozone also puri­fies smoke, organ­ic par­tic­u­lates, and hydro­car­bons con­t­a­m­i­nants by oxi­da­tion. It neu­tral­izes a wide spec­trum of air pol­lu­tants by oxidation.

Air­borne microor­gan­isms have a half life. The oxi­da­tion effect of ozone reduces the half life which deter­mines how long an air­borne viral par­ti­cle remains infectious. 

The neu­tral­iza­tion require­ments of Covid-19 are present­ly undoc­u­ment­ed. Data to date sug­gests COVID appears to sur­vive 3–7 times longer than the cold or influen­za. Air with ozone will per­mit a low­er con­cen­tra­tion of COVID-19 par­ti­cles than air. 


How should I use LiveO3 to purify my environment?

A room with a con­trolled but safe amount of ozone will be safer than an untreat­ed space.  OSHA stan­dards:

The OSHA stan­dards for ozone con­cen­tra­tion are:

  • Heavy work: 0.05 ppm (0.10 mg/m³), 

  • Mod­er­ate work: 0.08 ppm (0.16 mg/m³), 

  • Light work: 0.10 ppm (0.20 mg/m³) [1995]

Thus a LiveO3 ozone source will puri­fy a work­ing envi­ron­ment or a home. Air turnover is an impor­tant fac­tor also and varies wide­ly. If the ozone odor is too strong reduce the duty cycle of LiveO2 with an appli­ance timer to inter­mit­tent or timed operation.

Air Source

Ozone Out­put

Ster­il­ize @10 ppm 

1ppm — 10 hours

Safe­ly Purify


Nitro­gen Oxides

LiveO3 with LiveO2

Over .4 g/hour

659 cu ft

Approx­i­mate 8x8x8 

6592 cu ft


65920 cu ft

40x40x40 space


LiveO3 with Air Source

.1 g/hour

164 cubic feet 5.5x5.5x5.5

1648 cu ft 8x8x8

16480 cu ft



Aque­ous and gaseous ozone has been test­ed on var­i­ous microbes. Dairy Cat­tle Manure. These microbes have very long half lives mea­sured up to 42 days as sal­mo­nel­la and e‑coli strains. Ozone killed these pathogens in approx­i­mate­ly 8 min­utes at a con­cen­tra­tion of 10 ppm.

Ozone itself has a half life. The half-life of O3 in dis­tilled water is 20–30 min­utes at 20°C before con­vert­ing back to oxy­gen mol­e­cule. How­ev­er, gaseous O3 is more sta­ble with half-life of approx­i­mate­ly 12 h in atmos­pher­ic air [13]. 

What is the difference between LiveO3 and other ozone generators?

LiveO3 attached to LiveO2 cre­ates ozone with 85% pure oxy­gen. The out­put is a high qual­i­ty ozone with lit­tle nitro­gen smog. This is why LiveO3 cre­ates a fresh smell and does not tend to irri­tate the lungs. 

The OSHA stan­dards, above, were gen­er­at­ed using an open-air ozone gen­er­a­tor so the OSHA guide­lines reflect safe­ty based on mixed nitro­gen smog and ozone. LiveO3 is safer than OSHA stan­dards by an unknown margin.

LiveO2/L3 sys­tems will gen­er­ate less than 15% the amount of nitro­gen smog and will gen­er­ate more ozone. Results:

  • Clean­er smell

  • High­er ozone concentration

  • Avoid nox­ious effects of Nitro­gen smog

Why do so many references assert ozone is a toxic pollutant?

This author sug­gests research papers mis­rep­re­sent ozone as a pol­lu­tant instead of as a well under­stood oxi­diz­ing agent. Briefly these sci­en­tif­ic papers use UV smog gen­er­at­ed from “air” as 79% nitro­gen 21.5% oxy­gen. This gen­er­a­tion process cre­ates a mix­ture of ozone, and Nitro­gen Oxides or nitro­gen smog. This mix­ture is inac­cu­rate­ly described as “Ozone” because it con­tains unknown and dis­re­gard­ed quan­ti­ties of nitro­gen compounds.

Any oxi­diz­ing agent will injure lungs. Note that O2 is not an oxi­da­tion agent because two oxy­gen atoms bind togeth­er and must be bro­ken down into oxy­gen atoms to assert destruc­tive oxi­da­tion. Ozone is a stronger oxi­diz­er because the spare oxy­gen atom is rel­a­tive­ly easy to lib­er­ate from the O2 molecule.

Ozone is well known to neu­tral­ize oth­er pol­lu­tants like hydro­car­bons and pathogens. 

This author sug­gests those arti­cles inac­cu­rate­ly rep­re­sent ozone as a pol­lu­tant to adverse­ly affect pub­lic opin­ion. Ozone is well rec­og­nized as a puri­fy­ing agent which neu­tral­izes oth­er pol­lu­tants includ­ing smoke, and pathogens includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to bac­te­ria, virus­es. It is an effec­tive treat­ment of many prof­itable dis­ease conditions

Since the half life of atmos­pher­ic ozone is clear­ly cit­ed in sci­en­tif­ic lit­er­a­ture as about 12 hours it nat­u­ral­ly degrades into oxy­gen a day, and thus does not cause adverse envi­ron­men­tal effects.

No attempt is made in most sci­en­tif­ic arti­cles to unbun­dle the injury mech­a­nism from O2 ver­sus Nitro­gen con­t­a­m­i­nants. The mix­ture is bun­dled into the aggre­gate term “smog”. 

How long after treatment can the room be used?

LiveO2 pro­vides an iso­lat­ed air stor­age com­part­ment. The air sep­a­ra­tor fil­ters out all mol­e­cules larg­er than an O2. This includes both nitro­gen and ozone. As a result the LiveO2 oxy­gen sup­ply will not con­tain sub­stan­tial ozone. 

LiveO2 stores air in the reser­voir — so it is safe to use LiveO2 in a san­i­tized room immediately



  • Weight: 3 lb
  • Width: 9 in
  • Depth: 4 in
  • Height: 7 in

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