Commercial Service Agreement (<span class="caps">CSA</span>)



SKU: Com-Serv-Agreement
Commercial Service Agreement (CSA)

Product Description

Com­mer­cial ser­vice agree­ment (CSA)

Our Com­mer­cial Ser­vice Agree­ment (CSA) cov­ers repair­ing or replac­ing dys­func­tion­al LiveO2 sys­tems in heavy-use com­mer­cial envi­ron­ments. The agree­ment cov­ers all main­te­nance and pro­tec­tion of the equip­ment for repair or replace­ment with no lim­i­ta­tions on hours of use, as long as the agree­ment is in force, your equip­ment is pro­tect­ed indefinitely. 



The agree­ment will also cov­er all main­te­nance parts, includ­ing inter and exter­nal fil­ter replace­ment on a reg­u­lar sched­ule and breather hose replace­ment as need­ed. Approx­i­mate pric­ing — 8% of sys­tem price billed monthly.



This pro­gram includes a year­ly video con­fer­ence call to eval­u­ate ongo­ing staff train­ing needs.



The agree­ment will also cov­er all main­te­nance parts, includ­ing inter and exter­nal fil­ter replace­ment on a reg­u­lar sched­ule and breather hose replace­ment as needed. 


Repair and Replacement

If any part of your sys­tem (exclud­ing masks) is dam­aged or needs repair, the agree­ment will cov­er the imme­di­ate exchange of dam­aged or dys­func­tion­al sys­tems with a replace­ment sys­tem to min­i­mize downtime. 



If you need to claim a dam­aged or dys­func­tion­al sys­tem, first con­tact your sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tive. You can make an appoint­ment on your rep­re­sen­ta­tive’s appoint­ment cal­en­dar at this link.


Ship­ping Costs 

LiveO2 will cov­er all ship­ping costs in the case of a claim exchange. It may be wise to keep your orig­i­nal pack­ag­ing, as LiveO2 will not cov­er the cost of box­ing a sys­tem for return. 



This ser­vice agree­ment is lim­it­ed to North Amer­i­can Cus­tomers only at this time. 




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